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Conditionally including steps in video?

I’m running into issues trying to conditionally include steps in my video. Here’s what I’m doing:

  1. Create a “Have a question?” step.
  2. Create a section or group of steps.
  3. Go into the Flow Editor and create a condition to include that section in the instruction process.

The problem is the video still includes the steps in the section/group with the condition regardless of the answer that is submitted. The only fix I found was to add a condition to every step, which seems a bit inefficient. Am I missing something when setting this up, or is it potentially a bug?


Thanks in advance for the answers :)

4 replies

Userlevel 6

Hi Jacob,


That does sound frustrating, i think the best approach will be for us to look at your recording together, and figure out if there is something with the setup, or if it is indeed a bug.


Inside Attain there is a “contact support” option, which will include your recording :)



Hi, Morten. I’ll definitely do that. Thanks for the quick reply!

It would be helpful if you added more info and the resolution to these articles after you worked with the original poster. As-is they are not useful to anyone else. 

Userlevel 6

Hi  @Buggyjdav 


That is valid feedback for sure, thank you. We will try to include this going forward.


For this specific case, there was no step with a  No tag but only Yes tags.


Basically that means that by selecting yes, then all the yes-tagged steps will be displayed - and selecting no will just end the recording since there are no matches for no and there are no steps that are neutral, since all are tagged.’


The solution here was to just have a step with a no tag, and for Jacob to submit a feature request so that you could tag steps within a group. An alternative way was suggested, which includes selecting a range of steps, and then tagging them up.


Many of the cases that are forwarded to support from the community are complex in nature, or just hard to explain in writing.


I am hoping to do a video on how the flow role works at some point, stay tuned on morten’s corner for that :)


