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License Types

The User eXperience Panel is available for the following license types:


Subscription Models



Essentials (no AI Chat and no Company Asset integration)


Ai Tokens

Both Enterprise and Professional get 100 operating tokens per year as well as:

Enterprise license has a 1000 user count and will be given 1 token per user per year (subscription period) for a total of 1100 yearly tokens

Professional license has 100 user count and will be given 1 token per user per year (subscription period) for a total of 200 yearly tokens

You are able to top off your tokens. The minimum purchase is 100 tokens at a time, the tokens you purchase will carry over into the next subscription period.


Ai Token Calculation (example)

So, lets say you are in December, and you have 50 tokens left and you buy another 100. During December, you spend only 60 tokens, then in January, you have 90 tokens - you will then get to keep those 90 tokens and add them to your subscription cycle additon, which would then be:

Enterprise: 100+1000+90=1190

Professional: 100+100+90=290

You will always be spending your yearly subscription tokens before spending the ones you bought to keep it fair.


Perpetual Models

Any perpetual (old-school licenses)

To accommodate customers on old licensing models, you get UXP too - but you will buy the tokens you need.

The tokens you buy will carry over into the next maintenance period if unspent.



How much is a “token” approximately?

1 token is estimated to be what an end user will spend during a full year. That is why the token amount matches the user count on the licenses.

What does Company Asset integration mean?

It means the ability to add PDF files to the Ai engine to process, as this is a big part of the Ai Chat - it makes sense to not have in the Essentials subscription model.


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