
Topics you would like us to cover on Community Live! - please post here

Userlevel 6
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  • 156 replies

Please post a reply with your ideas - try to be as specific as you can. :smile:



5 replies

Userlevel 6

Great to see these events happening. I would be very interested in seeing an overview of creating and usinga custom template using Attain.

Hi Amanda,


this is a great suggestion - i will cover this briefly in an upcoming video on Morten’s Corner - and more extensively later on with advanced templating :)

Great to see these events happening. I would be very interested in seeing an overview of creating and usinga custom template using Attain.


Overview of process of setting up automated testing would be interesting, from documenting a process and then use this recording for automated testing with testdata. Example create sales order process recording and then test this process with sales order dummy data.

Userlevel 6

Hi @trice602 !

Great suggestion! In fact that was the first session topic and you can review the entire event  here:

If you have other suggestions, please let us know! Have a great weekend. 😃


Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Good morning!  An overview of migrating from Classic to Attain and what that looks like would be helpful.  Thanks for the event! :bulb:


Disregard!  I just found it in the June event :) 
