ClickLearn Attain: Projects

  • 3 July 2020
  • 7 replies
ClickLearn Attain: Projects
Userlevel 6
  • Super User
  • 156 replies

Hello and welcome to this developer’s diary about our upcoming major release codename “ClickLearn Attain”. In these posts we will introduce you to new features, workflows or other relevant items of interest we plan to introduce in the product. As it is work-in-progress, contents can be subject to change.

Today we will look closer at projects, which is a feature that introduces a new way to work and collaborate in ClickLearn.

Create new project

All work in ClickLearn Attain will be organized in projects. You get to define which type of project you are working on, which languages to include, which platform you wish to deploy content onto, and some basic content styling configuration. Your choices help us make your work in ClickLearn a lot easier. Here are a few more screen shots:



Projects will also enable true collaboration on a number of tasks such as authoring and reviewing, translation, and more. We will cover collaboration in depth in a future Developer’s Diary post. You can add or link recordings from one project to another, and you can organize your recordings in your project into logical folders and sub-folders.

We think you will really enjoy working in the project context in ClickLearn Attain. What do you think?

7 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Looks very promising. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new version.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Looks super interesting and would love to be a Beta Tester :) 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Looks super interesting and would love to be a Beta Tester :) 

Completely Agree!

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

I think that will change the way of working within ClickLearn and we are really looking forward to this :tada:

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Will our older recordings/books/shelves be automatically converted to Projects when we upgrade? And if so, what will that look like? For example, will each Shelf become a Project?

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Will our older recordings/books/shelves be automatically converted to Projects when we upgrade? And if so, what will that look like? For example, will each Shelf become a Project?

Hi Richard - My understanding is that we will have control over existing material being converted. I can not answer the second. I use Projects to filter individual recordings and books. So not sure how that will work yet.

Userlevel 6

Hi @JayMurphy and @RichardPower

Excellent question. I had to make sure we provided the correct answer before replying to you.

Shortly after the October release we will make it possible to convert existing shelves and books into projects. All recordings and structure of the book/shelf will be imported (copied) into the project. We will provide more info this in a later post here on the community.
