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Hello All,

I’ve installed the ClickLearn Edge extension into Edge AOK but each time I start CLickLearn Studio I get the message

However when I run up ClickLearn Studio and login AOK I can’t see any “Tools-Preferences” menu options - this is all that I see - an empty project screen:

I have confirmed that the registry is being updated to show the Native Messaging has been registered for ClickLearn (and I copied this key into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE too just in case):


Yet when I start Edge I get the green outline with the message “In order to record form your browser, please install the clicklearn extension first”

Is there something I have missed?

Hi @christianlegg 


this is likely a permissions issue in chrome/edge.


when you start the browser, the file C:\ProgramData\ClickLearn\clGChost.exe is executed and is responsible for the communication between the ClickLearn recording process: CLRecordReplayAssist.exe / CLRecordReplayAssist64.exe to the ClickLearn Extension in Chrome or Edge.


if the system is not permitted to execute the clghost there is no way you can successfully record webbased applications and websites.


The windows user you are using to launch your browser may not have the permission to call the executable clghost or you may not trust clicklearns certificate. 


Typically the way people solve this is to allow to call the application, or to add clicklearns certificate to their applocker / similar trust setup.

Thanks for your written and on-line help with this Morten - appreciated (and great to talk directly with you - hope you are feeling better!)
As you know, we ran this down well into the ground, but in the end, I built a clean VM and applied our corporate security policies etc manually - and the Edge connector worked AOK with IFS and other link detection.

Anytime, and I am glad you found a solution @christianlegg  :)
