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Hello ClickLearn community,

Once the trainig material is published on ClickLearn cloud and is accessible to the end users, what are the KPI that we can track (available on ClickLearn portal) to make sure that the end user is doing the training? (for instance: attendance tracking, completion of the test me video tracking, etc...) 

Also, are those KPI trackable in an LMS?


Thank you very much,


Hi @Shahrzad!

The KPIs you mention here are all trackable on user level if, as you suggest, you use ClickLearn content in a Learning Management System. With the ClickLearn Classic solution you can publish books and shelves to SCORM packages for SCORM v. 1.2 and v.2004. 

Please note, this feature is currently still under development for ClickLearn Attain.
