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Good afternoon! I was wondering if anyone using Dynamics 365 and trying to produce a CRM Help has run into this warning? The entire verbiage:

The producer reported the following:

“D365 CRM INSIDE HELP: Warning: No assist repository available for language 1033 - English (United States). Please make sure that Main Content has been defined for this language.”

My Main Content has “1033 - English...” checked, as do all of my recordings/books/shelfs/CRM Help.

Any ideas? I wonder if this has anything to do with my publishing and none of my books/shelfs/recordings showing up in the Portal?

Thanks in advance!!


Hi @kori.leblanc :)


The inside help projects can be a bit tricky the first times 🙂 so what you need to make sure is that you have enabled the “build assist repository” on your shelf, like so: 

shelf preferences

then you add the shelf to your crm help main content by “dragging it across”


Thank you Morten! That was it! :grinning:
