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Hi all,


when replaying our ClickLearn recordings (for IFS10) we often have the problem that ClickLearn doesn’t find the next step (especially if there are drop down fields involved), so that we have to manually proceed with the next step to continue with the replay. Also the screens in the written version of the recordings often do not show the filled in values when there has to be filled a certain value into a certain field; in most of the cases it shows only the first character / number of the value.


Due to our growing experience with ClickLearn we found out that these problems can be fixed by changing the “Replay pause” within the step editor when you open it using the developer role. To avoid having to do this for every step separately is there any possibility to globally set the Replay pause to a certain amount? Or is there some other solution for it which we haven’t found yet?


Thank you very much in advance for your help!


Best regards and have a nice day,


Hi Carina,


Thank you for posting here :)


This does not match what we typically experience when replaying IFS10.

Replay pauses are typically handy when the system is so slow that clicklearn is attempting to perform the next action before the system has loaded the data, triggered by the previous clicklearn action. Showing the first character only on the screenshots happens as the clicklearn recording process will take its screenshot as soon as you start typing in order to make sure to catch the image. When replaying the recording however, the screenshot will be taken after the full word is typed, since the replay now knows when to take the screenshot.


global replay pause will likely be possible in our upcomingclicklearn version, clicklearn attain.


I suggest you contact us at to have a look at how we can better your replay experience :)

Hi Morten,


thank you very much for your answer.

We’ve tried it multiple times but replaying the recordings without adjusting the Replay Pause didn’t really help. The speed of our IT systems/network should also be more than good enough...


As you suggested, I will send an e-mail to your support to find a solution for this and a few other questions/problems that came up.


Thanks and best regards from Austria!


Hi Carina,


Ah, i see. 


Well, lets get in touch over support and we will see what we can work out :)


Greetings from Denmark! :D
