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My publishing process is slow - why?

  • 22 November 2022
  • 2 replies

Will the publishing time be sped up at all? It takes 20-30 minutes to publish mine currently.

The time publishing your project takes, can vary depending on a number of factors, such as but not limited to: Number of recordings, number of languages, number of steps in recordings, number and size of assets. The formats you choose to publish in your template settings also have an effect on publishing, and as a rule of thumb the more included, the longer production time. If you don’t plan to utilize the word and powerpoint formats, and particularly the legacy Windows Media Video format in your published materials, exclude them to speed up the process.

I was recently advised by the Tech Support team to remove the analyzer and as a consequence my publishing time has gone from around 6 minutes to 45 minutes. There doesn’t seem to be an option to reinstate the analyzer.

We may not want to reinstate it immediately as it is helping us with our mispronounced words.However, it may be good to be able to turn in back on in the future.

Thanks Penny
