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System Shortcuts

  • 18 September 2023
  • 1 reply

Back in March 2022 you showed me how to remove the shortcuts that CL captured when recording from our POS system.

I would like to turn these back on.

I am not looking to use the CL shortcuts but the ones related to our POS system.


Can you tell me how to do this please?

Hi Lorie,


If you make a new project, then import your recording - and edit the template entry for a step that has a shortcut, then you can see which entry you need to revert.


Here is where you click to access the right template entry:



This takes you to your template editor, a modified template entry is identified as having a blue dot after it, you can always rightclick that and delete - this will restore the ClickLearn template default:



Likely, what you are after is a similar looking entry, but with “after” in the name - or something similar to that.

