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What is needed to Publish updated recording?

  • 10 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Dear community, from what I can see if one wishes to make a slight adjustment to a single recording the process of publishing is; 

  1. Make Change to Recording and Save
  2. Go into Structure and make a minor change, then change it back, then Save
  3. This then allows to publish
  4. Clicklearn then takes 30+ minutes to republish all the content. 

Is my summary correct? surely there has to be a better way to instantly publish a content change that has no impact on the structure?

Any ideas or am i missing something?

1 reply

Userlevel 6

Hi @david.harmer 


The producer itself has an analyzer file, which is an index that tracks every single change to an element in the structure. 


For example, if you add a single recording - the producer will only produce that recording and the base site (structure index) that carries it, and then merge that into the existing content. So, it should take 30sec to produce a full structure where you added a single recording, as opposed to 30min for a first time production.


The same goes if you enable an addition element like the powerpoint file, or you change the logo or the word template for example.


The Analyzer is always a subject for improvement, there may be scenarios which we do not identify correctly.


If you could please contact us at support and walk us through the scenario, then we can document and reproduce it internally for the analyzer to be improved, this way we can help both you and others performing the same set of adjustments to their structure :)
