From Zero To UXP

  • 16 April 2024
  • 0 replies
From Zero To UXP
Userlevel 6

Come along at we deep-dive into a full User eXperience Panel implementation. There are an excessive amount of timestamps so that the video can be used as a reference lookup table, as well as a standalone video.



00:05:53 scope of today

00:07:07 Creating your first User eXperience Panel project

00:08:25 Concept of Partner Projects

00:09:35 What is User eXperience Panel?

00:10:48 Concept of Ai Tokens

00:11:45 Recommendation for your first User eXperience Panel project

00:12:42 Current Limitations for User eXperience Panel

00:13:26 Ai Capabilities Of The User eXperience Panel and Background Theory

00:15:26 Configuring User eXperience Panel For Your First Project / Convert An Existing Project Into a User eXperience Panel project

00:16:16 User eXperience Panel Template Settings

00:17:10 User eXperience Notifications Setup

00:22:50 User eXperience Configuration

00:25:05 User eXperience Configuration - Sources (see 00:46:38 too)

00:25:18 User eXperience Configuration - Sources, External Structure / Partner Portal

00:26:08 User eXperience Configuration - Sources, Mapping Segments

00:27:08 User eXperience Configuration - Sources, Dynamic Assets

00:28:06 User eXperience Configuration - Sources, Dynamic Assets - Setting Up YouTube

00:32:38 User eXperience Configuration - Sources, Additional Ai Sources

00:33:48 User eXperience Configuration - Sources, Summarizing Setup

00:34:12 User eXperience Configuration - Tab Configuration, Adding Custom Tab (see 01:01:08 too)

00:36:26 User eXperience Configuration - Tab Configuration, Filter Group Concept and Metadata

00:41:27 User eXperience Configuration - Panel Settings / Application ID

00:41:51 Find D365CE Application ID

00:42:13 User eXperience Configuration and Notifications - Summary

00:42:40 Publishing User eXperience Panel Project For The First Time

00:45:38 Adding User eXperience Panel Content URL to ClickLearn UXP Extension

00:45:58 User eXperience Panel In Action (see 00:53:31 too)

00:46:38 Mapping D365CE Security Roles (Fixing our mistakes)

00:47:38 Finding D365CE Roles in CRM (Admin task)

00:48:49 Mapping D365CE Security Roles To Segments in User eXperience Configuration

00:49:06 Adding D365CE Roles in CRM (Admin task)

00:50:18 User eXperience Configuration Segments, Metadata, Duplicates Management

00:51:16 Re-publishing The User eXperience Panel Project

00:52:05 CE Inside Help Configuration

00:53:31 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective

00:54:08 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Notification (Intrusive)

00:54:18 User eXperience Notifications Setup - Update/Stop/Delete Notification

00:57:11 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Using Groups

00:55:28 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Relevant Work Instructions Per Forms / Entity

00:55:41 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Using The Search

00:56:13 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Inside Help Trigger

00:57:41 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Executing The Assist From Specific Step

00:58:27 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Watching Videos

00:59:03 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Utilizing The Chat (for work instructions)

00:59:48 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, YouTube Tab

01:01:23 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Viewing External Structure / Partner Project

01:01:08 User eXperience Configuration - Tab Configuration, Chat Content Sources - PDF

01:01:35 User eXperience Panel In Action - User Perspective, Using The Chat for PDFs

01:02:58 User eXperience Panel Dashboard (analytics)

01:04:48 Company Ai Tokens (consumption log)

01:06:25 Best Practices For Assets

01:08:57 Best Practices For Notifications

01:11:18 Best Practices For Recordings

01:18:13 Deploying The ClickLearn UXP Extension Using GPO (Admin)

01:19:02 Installing The ClickLearn UXP Extension (End User)

01:19:27 Thank you




Additional Resources:

ClickLearn UXP Help Portal


Clarification around the AI Token cost, check out this article where the AI token system is broken down and explained.



How to Find Find or Generate a YouTube API Key (External Source)


How To Find YouTube Channel ID (External Source)


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