Ever wondered how to set up templates to allow for all recordings to use a predefined set of introduction chapters, introduction notes and finishing notes? Or how you can configure the use of metadata to ensure that recording properties are populated into your PowerPoint, Word, PDF and online documentation? Find answers in the video below
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We are having an issuing using the metadata title in PowerPoint. All other metadata is populated but not the title. Any ideas or answers would greatly be appreciated.
I managed to figure this out. Using the “title” metadata tag like in the video above did not work. However, using the “name” metadata tag did work for us. Everything else worked as in the video though, thanks!
Hi @Matt Henderson,
the title metadata needs to be enabled in both the Word and PowerPoint template for the recording template in your workspace:
metadata for word and powerpoint (there is a section for each)
and the title needs to be defined in your word document:
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