Video options

  • 7 December 2023
  • 2 replies
Video options
Userlevel 6

A dive into different video options and hidden gems

00:14 Scope of today

00:36 Template options & Autoplay

10:12 html video and iframe embedding

16:00 Mp4 Video


2 replies

Hey @Morten,

This is great thanks! I have followed the steps to use the copylink function for both =1 & =3 and in most cases it works perfectly as described.

I have found that some recordings do not work and from what I can see there is a pattern to it that I cannot understand what has happened to make them different:

For recordings where the url ends with the recording title separated by dashes they work great.

We do have lot of recordings however that instead of the recording name it shows a code like this: 

  • ?r=dec922b4-4ea3-4551-97f6-a27b115ce04d

and these are the ones that do not work using either the &t=showme or the copylink option to open the showme recording directly.

Any ideas? The only thing that comes to mind is maybe the use of the alternative title to get the extra characters?

hoping you can help :)



Userlevel 6

Hi Rob,


i tested with both the default format, and a recording with an LIUP configured, both worked.


r=ba87853b-4b65-40c2-8591-56c89a65c7db OK

create-an-affiliate-meta OK


send a mail to support, then we can look at it together on a remote session :)


