Hi Nickia,
I can see, that you are not getting an overwhelming response from our community om this point. We are currently working on some features, that will enhance this by storing a complete inventory of file versions used with each publishing process.
This is a really interesting case. I feel that you should be able achieve the results you are looking for by using MetaData on the recording level for tagging the current state / version targeting combined with a logical folder structure in the recording folder from which you copy your recordings to / from. I also feel confident that the feature of “Substitute with”, will enable you to redirect your “current” folder with the correct files, that you wish to publish in your learning portal.
I’m hoping all of this makes sense, if not I will be happy to get on a call with you and see, if we can solve the magic puzzle together and perhaps write a serious article in here about how to best maintain a development-cycled change management system within Attain.
Please let us know, how you solved this, if we do not speak before that.
/ Joachim
Thanks Joachim, I appreciate your reply and ideas!
Our upcoming software update will be in late November and it will be the first time attempting version control in Attain. From initial research and testing, we do plan on using MetaData from our recordings to tag the versions (like you mentioned). In addition, we name our recording files with the release number appended to the end of the title (then use the “Alternative Title” field to give it a proper title for our end users).
The “Substitute with” feature sounds like it will be a great one to use for our process to easily manage the recordings. Otherwise, we would have to rely on an external spreadsheet to track old and new recordings.
For Classic, we developed a process that was valuable in providing up-to-date recordings in-time with our software updates. In our transition to Attain, I recognize that the process will be different and I’d love to discuss with you in more detail on the ways we can maintain version control and our release management process.
Thank you,