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We are create user documentation for a new Business Central App we have created and Clicklearn is fine for 90% of what we have needed. The issue I have run into is that I have an Appendix sections which explains the theory and examples of the embedded calculations that run in the background. I cannot record the theory using Clicklearn but want to rather embed the word document (10 Pages) into my project so when I publish or produce it includes the word document at the end of the document.

Have not found a way to do this.

Note that I have tried using the Notes functionality but have found that this does not support what I need to do as cannot format effectively and is very time consuming. 

Hi John!

This can be accomplished by modifying the Word Template used in your ClickLearn Studio.  Reference our article on templates

The Word Template is found in 3 places inside of ClickLearn Studio by navigating to Tools->Preferences->Templates->Click on the button for either the Recording Template, Book Template or Shelf Template. When the you receive the new window click on Preferences->Template

ClickLearn Customer Care will be happy to assist you as I expect you may have more questions concerning WorkSpaces and Template creation.  Whenever you are ready submit a ticket by  emailing 

I hope this helps in getting you started!

